Boost Your Home’s Value: Top Five Beginner Gardening Tips for the UK

Adding value to your home isn’t just about calling in the builders. You can help to increase the value of your home by getting out into the garden and making things a bit more beautiful. It’s simple really- an attractive and well maintained property will always be worth more than one that’s shabby and unloved.

Don’t just take our word for it though. A study conducted by The Post Office showed that the best return on investment was via a landscaped garden. For less than £3,000 spent, you could add an incredible 77% to the value of your home.

Follow this guide for some low maintenance garden ideas and how to improve your garden for a house sale.  Want to find out just how much your property is worth? All it takes is a few clicks using our free online calculator.

1.     Pot Luck

You don’t need a huge garden to make a substantial difference to the kerb appeal of your property. In fact, you don’t really need a “garden” at all. You can spruce up a patch of concrete with well positioned pot plants to add a bit of instant interest.

Potted plants and trees are a low-maintenance way to improve a dreary patio or dull corner. And the best thing is, anyone can do it. You can add colour and life to your garden space in the time it takes to visit your local garden centre.

Look for hardy potted perennials (plants that live for more than one year) like agapanthus with their dazzling flower heads or exotic agaves for an easy introduction to outdoor planting. Do be aware though that even the hardiest plant needs watering. Pot plants can’t call on groundwater to stay alive, so make sure to water them every so often.

2.     Go Wild

Adding native wildflowers to your garden will add colour and create an exciting ecosystem right outside your back door. Your garden won’t only be attractive to potential buyers- pollinators like butterflies and bees will love it too.

And for novice gardeners, it’s one of the easiest ways to see results. It’s as simple as rake, sow, and water. Buy a quality native wildflower seed mix, rake the soil up, scatter your seeds, and water them in. You’ll set your garden up for a summer full of bright flowers to enjoy.

You don’t need to completely redesign the whole garden either; according to gardening gurus the Royal Horticultural Society, sowing a wildflower patch is all you need to paint your green space with a whole palette of bright colours.

3.     Lawn Care

There’s nothing quite like a well-manicured lawn to show off your skills in the garden. But even beginner gardeners can follow a few simple tips to improve the look and feel of their grass. It might seem strange, but the best way to improve your lawn is to cut it regularly.

During the spring and summer, your lawn is growing at its fastest rate. To keep it healthy, you should cut it once a week. Regular mowing doesn’t just keep things looking tidy, it helps to keep weeds at bay and encourages dense grass growth.

If this all sounds like too much work, you might want to invest in the hottest new garden gadget- a robotic lawnmower. These labour saving machines roll around your garden keeping everything looking great, no matter what your skill or energy levels feel like.

4.     Buy Mature

A mature tree or established flowering plant is a great focal point for any garden and is also an evergreen selling point that will add instant value to your property. If you always dreamed of a wisteria framed front door, but didn’t think it was possible, the truth is you can skip the growing process altogether.

You can buy yourself a mature tree that’s ready to plant in the garden. There’s a vast range of options available to budding beginner gardeners, from Mediterranean olive trees to stunning rose bushes. And you can even get the professionals to plant them for you. It’s not a low-cost option, but you’ll benefit from instant shade, extra privacy, and even provide local wildlife with extra habitat.

5.     Feature Furniture

If you want to know how to increase your home value through your garden, and you don’t want to get your hands dirty, then garden furniture is a solid option. A café style table and chair set in a sunny spot will show off your garden’s full potential as an extra bit of outdoor living space.

You don’t need to spend thousands on enormous garden dining sets either. Something as simple as a new door mat or a tasteful garden ornament will draw the eye and signal to potential buyers that you’ve taken care of the property.

Want to find out if any of these simple projects could really add value to your home? Book yourself an accurate in person valuation from a local agent to find out for yourself.